Aim of my Life to get Success ? - सफलता पाने के लिए मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य l

 What is the Aim of My Life to get Success ? ,  What is the purpose of your life? After all, what is the purpose of life of all of us? This is a question that we all should ask ourselves first.

If we know the exact purpose of our life, then our chances of being successful will increase a lot.


Aim of My Life to get Success

Let us first talk on this topic to be successful and try to know that “What is the purpose of my life?” 

Is it the Aim of my Life to get everything that I want from this world?

Or is the purpose of my life to give what the world wants from me? 

First of all it is important to know that no person in the world can achieve any success on his own.

If a person has got success, then it may be his own success, but behind that person's success, many people have a hand.

Whether those people are from his family, his relatives or any unknown person.

One of the laws of nature is that the greater the success a person has achieved, the more people behind him were helping him.

And the smaller the success he achieved, the less people were helping him behind him.

Many people here help us to be successful. This help can be direct as well as indirect.

The same rule works in the world. That is, the bigger success we have to achieve, the more we need the help of people.

Now here comes a question that why would someone help us?

Why would people help us achieve our success?

Must people have a reason to help?

Should there be some benefit to helping people? Otherwise why would anyone help us like this?

The simple answer is if we want people to help us, we have to give something to people.

After all, what can you give to people in return for all of them to help you?

The exact answer is- Value. Yes! If you can add some value to people's lives, they will be ready to help you immediately.

The more value you add to people's lives, the more they will help you. Let's make it more simple.

If I want to achieve success, I will need the help of people along with my own hard work.

The bigger the success I want to be, the more people's help I have to get.

Why would people help me now? For this, I have to add some such value to the lives of people, which will make their life better or easier than before.

So now the aim of my life (Aim of My Life in Hindi) should be to add value to the lives of as many people as possible.

The more I can add value to the lives of people, the more people will be willing to help me.

The more people who help me now, the bigger the success I will get.

Now it is completely clear here that the purpose of my life is to add good value to the lives of more and more people so that people's life becomes better and easier than before.

Let us try to understand it through an example. You must have heard about Bill Gates.

Bill Gates got the help of so many people of the world that due to the help of people, he could become the richest man of the world.

The question is, how did people help them? The answer is that people gave him money. Some people gave this money to him once and most of the people gave it every year.

Why did people give money to Bill Gates? People gave him money because Bill Gates gave value in people's life in the form of Microsoft which made people's life better and easier.

Now the more people's lives were made easier by Bill Gates, that is, the more people he gave value to (Microsoft Windows), the more people helped Bill Gates by paying money.

When he gave value to the whole world, people from all over the world helped him. The result is in front of everyone. Bill Gates became the richest man in the world.

The truth here is that the purpose of Bill Gates' life was not to become the richest person in the world, but the purpose of his life was to make the life of more and more people easier and better (ie adding value to their lives).

He was fulfilling his purpose, in return people helped him so much that made him the richest person in the world.

Similarly, the aim of my life is not to achieve success but to add value to people's lives.

I am adding value to people's lives in the form of “your best articles of success”. Here my aim is to make my articles reach as many people as possible and give them value.

In return, I will definitely get people's help, I hope so, but it is not my intention to get help from people.

If people like the value given by me, then help is sure to come. This is the law of nature and this law works very well in this world.

If all of you also keep the purpose of your life to make the life of more and more people good and easy, that is, to give value to them, then this law of nature will apply to you too.

Follow These Steps to Giving "Value"

You can make "Aim of My Life" in the following steps -

  •  First of all you have to learn such a skill, with the help of which you can give value to people. You should learn this skill so well that you can master it.

  •  Now you have to create such a system so that you can add value to the lives of people with your skills.

  •  Now your aim should be to make life better and easier for as many people as possible

  •  When people feel that you are making their life better then they will start giving you help in return.

  •  The more help you get, the more you will have to increase your efforts. You have to follow these steps continuously throughout your life. The result will be so good that you can't even imagine.

I hope that you will like the value given by me in this article and you will definitely use this value to make your life better and easier.

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